Welcome to my A2 Media Studies Blog. The brief is: to produce a music video, a digipak cover, and magazine advert for the digipak. Throughout the course we will be learning about conventions (general and genre specific) used for each of these products.

Thursday 13 October 2011

RM - Marking A Past A2 Blog: Jonny Hughes

Today (Thursday 13th October 2011) we were set the task of marketing an A2 blog from last year's students. The blog I decided to mark is Jonny Hughes whom worked with Callum Moreman and Joel Colborne. During the project each member of the group was given a position:

Director - Jonny Hughes
Cinematographer - Callum Moreman
Director of Photography/Cast Member - Joel Colborne
As well as this they created a joint blog for their record company this is the link: http://newtransmissionrecords.blogspot.com/
This is the link to his (Jonny Hughes) blog: http://jonny-hughes-musicvid.blogspot.com/

The Research and Planning mark scheme goes like this (To receive 'excellent' 16 - 20 marks are requires):
1. There is excellent research into similar products and a potential target audience?
2. There is excellent organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props?
3. There is excellent work on shotlists, layout, drafting, scripting or storyboarding?
4. Time management is excellent?
5. There is an excellent level of care in the presentation of the research and planning?
6. There is excellent skill in the use of digital technology or ICT in the presentation?
7. There are excellent communication skills?

There is excellent research into similar products and a potential target audience?

Excellent. Throughout the research and planning stage of the course there is evidence of a wide range of genres and artists being looked into. This is anchored through his practice pitches which contains artists including Gary Numan, Pendulum and The Doors. Another good example of this comes from his post called "Further Research: Eight More Music Videos" this emphasis the range of genres Jonny has looked into. Click here to see that post. With the range of genres Jonny has covered a range of them which appeal to different audience. This is shown through his blog post about the common conventions in the heavy metal genre but also rock, electronic, alternative rock and pop. A good example of Jonny doing this is in his "Music Video Research". Click here to see the post.

There is excellent organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props?
Excellent. During this section of research and planning there is good use of multimedia. This multimedia includes vodcasts as well as an embedded powerpoint. During this powerpoint it features youtube videos and images of locations both of these have been created by each of the three group members. The youtube videos consist of production diaries at each locations the group filmed at.
With the actors and costumes the group looked at previous examples, this was mainly focused on Anton Corbijn's film about Joy Division called "Control". This enabled the group to decide on their cast member and was able to compare and contrast each of their decisions. The same was done for props. These three elements all feature in one post.

For the locations blog post click here.
For the actor, costume and props selection click here.

There is excellent work on shotlists, layout, drafting, scripting or storyboarding?
Excellent. Throughout this coursework Jonny has blogged multiple times about drafting, scripting and storyboard for all aspects of the product (this features the digipak and advertisement for the digipack as well as the music video). All these aspects have been blogged on in detail. This is shown on the "Call Sheets" post. The call sheets provided contain clear information on what the group want and how they intend to do it, for that day. Click here to see the "Call Sheet" post. This has also been done with the storyboarding which is located in the "Storyboarding & Animatic". Click here to view the "Storyboarding & Animatic" post.

Time management is excellent?
Excellent. Throughout the entire stage of the coursework there was a constent stream of blog posts during both years the coursework cover. Allowing the audience to be updated regularly and interested in what the group were producing as well as producing an audience that would give feedback.
There is an excellent level of care in the presentation of the research and planning?
Excellent. Throughout the research and planning stage there was a constant stream of blog posts which contain different aspects of multimedia. The apsects of multimedia used range from screenshots, video and word documentembedds, hyperlinks. As well as including gadgets which include the latest new on Joy Division, the audio track itself, influences and books the group have read.
There is excellent skill in the use of digital technology or ICT in the presentation?
Excellent. Like said before a range of multimedia technology has been used including video and word document embeds. As well as using a wide range of blogger gadgets. This is shown in particular in the Locations blog post (which has been linked above) showing the audience the locations and a production video.
There are excellent communication skills?
Excellent. Throughout the coursework the communication skills have helped made the blog easier to use. This has mainly been done through the use of gadgets provided allowing the audience to quickly get to a blog post or information on a relevant subject easy and quickly.
Overall I would give this blog 20 marks (out of 20). Throughout the duration of this coursework Jonny's work has maintained a high standard. It was also easy to get around the blog with the gadgets provided.

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